

Packed Tower Internals

TPT PACIFIC designs and supplies all kind of high performance Packed Tower Internals – various type of Liquid distributor, Packing support,
Bed limiter & Hold down grid, Collector tray & Chimney tray, Feed inlet device and more.

Other Internal Devices

Gallery type

Gallery type liquid distributor (Feed Gallery) (FDG)

– For liquid/vapor mixed or flashing feeds
– Applicable for all liquid to vapor ratios

Wall wiper

Wall Wiper (WWT)

– Wall wiper collects liquid running down from the tower wall and diverts it back into an acceptable
distribution pattern.
– A wall wiper is usually installed at the center of a tall bed.
– Normally used in a small tower (18 inch or less) packed with random packing.

Disperser Support Plate

Liquid-Liquid Extraction Internals

Disperser Support Plate / Light Phase (DPSD1)
Disperser Support Plate / Heavy Phase (DPSD2)

Vapor Diffuser (VDS)

Vapor Diffuser

Vapor Diffusers are another type of specialized inlet device for flashing/vapor feeds. Once the feed
enters, a multitude of vanes are used to direct the feed in either a horizontal direction
(as in the left side figure) or in a vertical direction downwards. One advantage of vapor diffuser inlet devices is that the effective blockage of the tower cross-section area is reduced.

Tangential Inlet
Vapor Horn (VDH1)

Vapor Horn

Vapor horns are vapor/flashing feed inlet devices that are commonly specified for the feed
(often two phases) inlets of large-diameter refinery fractionators. The feed enters the column either
via tangential or straight inlet and vanes within the vapor horn housing are used to direct and
distribute the vapor or flashing feed.
